Head to the house on the other side of the pit, talk to Maughlin The Armorer and buy any shields or armor you need from him.
#Dark souls remastered cheat engine table one hit kill cracked
This boar drops three Cracked Red Eye Orbs and doesn't respawn Kill these boars 12-20 times and they'll turn into a Giant Undead Boar. Kill the three Enslaved Pigs 12-20 times and they will turn into two Undead Boar.Go to the well to the right of the mansion and hit the stone to get the Estus Flask Shard.Later, when you kill Royal Rat Vanguard and Royal Rat Authority she will sell Flying Feline Boots for 6,000 souls, which reduce falling damage.Lloyd's Talisman 1,600 souls each (Max 10).Alluring Skulls 300 souls each (Max 10).
Homeward Bones 600 souls each (Max 10). Ring of Whispers 5,800 souls (Can hear the voices of foes). Name Engraved Ring 5,500 souls (Easier to connect to players who chose the same god). Redeye Ring 6,700 souls (Easier to be detected by enemies). Silvercat Ring 13,400 souls (Reduces damage from falling). Ring of the Evil Eye 4,500 souls (Absorb HP from each defeated foe). Enter the house to the right of the pit, talk to Sweet Shalquoir and buy anything you need from her. Go back up, up the hill to the Victor's Stone, pick up the Homeward Bones and optionally join the Company of Champions covenant if you're up for a harder challenge. Head down the steps to the right of the tent, go down the spiral staircase and get the Crimson Parma shield from the chest. Head towards the pit and get the Lifegem from under the tent. Talk to Blacksmith Lenigrast to find out why he's outside, and pick up the Soul of a Nameless Soldier and Lifegems to the right of his house. Examine the plaque beside him to see how many deaths there have been. Optionally kill him to get the Ring of Steel Protection. Return to the bonfire, go up the steps to talk to Saulden The Crestfallen Warrior, learn the Welcome gesture and optionally join the Way of Blue covenant to receive the Blue Seal ring. Go in to the building, open the door on the left, kill the Bloated Hollow and get the Lloyd's Talismans. Pick up the Lifegems and Homeward Bones. Optionally kill him to get the Bluemoon Greatsword, and make Benhart's Set and Benhart's Parma available to buy from Merchant Hag Melentia. Go back up the path, pick up the Divine Blessing, head through the gap on the right and talk to Benhart of Jugo. Rest at the bonfire and then talk to the Emerald Herald to get your Estus Flask and level up. On the way drop off to the right between the boulders to get Morning Star, Cleric's Sacred Chime and Binoculars. Head back to the tutorial section and continue on to Majula. Go back to the house and talk to Housekeeper Milibeth to get the Handmaid's Ladle. Light all the sconces in the area for a Black Phantom to spawn. Optionally sleep in the coffin to change the sex of your character. Kill the Pursuer that spawns on the beach. Climb out and go through the fog gate, then kick down the other tree to the left for a shortcut. Push down the tree, cross it, then drop down and get the Estus Flask Shard on a corpse in the pit. There will be a third fog gate blocked by a petrified statue that can be removed with a Fragrant Branch of Yore Jump back and go up the ladder, drop down and open the door to get the Cracked Red Eye Orb. Go through the second fog gate and jump the gap to get the Amber Herbs. Drop off the ledge to get the Soul of a Nameless Soldier and drop down to the main path. Leave the Small Smooth and Silky Stone on the nest for Sparkling Sisters Dyna and Tillo to get a random item and kick down the ladder. Go through the first fog gate, complete the section, getting the Dagger and Lifegem along the way. Return to the bonfire and continue to the tutorial section. Get the Gold Pine Resin from the corpse. Go back up, cross the bridge, through the bushes and kill the Ogre to get the Stone Ring. Go back through the house and take the hidden path below the bridge to get the Small Smooth and Silky Stone. Go out the door beside the women, destroy the cart to get the Soul of a Lost Undead and Torch, and rest at the bonfire. Go upstairs and get the Human Effigy from the chest.
Talk to Housekeeper Milibeth and the Old Firekeepers.Enter the house and choose your name, class, starting gift and appearance.Head through the gap in the wall, turn right and in to the hidden area beside the fallen tree to get the Rusted Coin.Memory of the Old Iron King (Iron King DLC).