Polynesian 4 elements tattoo designs
Polynesian 4 elements tattoo designs

Shark teeth, in particular, stand for power, shelter, guidance, adaptability, fierceness, and courage. Sharks are revered as gods in Polynesian lore, and this is why it’s frequently spotted in plenty of designs. In contrary to other designs, the sea shell isn’t really present in most Polynesian tattoo designs. Sea shells are another popular design in Polynesian tattoos, since they signify protection, intimacy, and shield. Since turtles are beloved by Polynesian natives, its shell has come to represent peace, wellness, longevity, and fertility. The shell is a frequent star of Polynesian tattoo design, and the most common one is perhaps the turtle shell. 125 Koi Fish Tattoos with Meaning, Ranked by Popularity.125 Top Rated Geometric Tattoo Designs This Year.A line is usually added to the circle, which stands for the waves that its natives will see often when they’re out at sea. Oceans are symbolized by an arc, or an incomplete circle that is moving outwards. Polynesian people have this belief that the ocean is where all of the souls go after they die. Since Samoa is located on an island, its natives have relied on the ocean to earn a living. Turtles are also a common symbol of good health, family unity, fertility, and long life. Legend has it that turtles are considered as the method souls use to reach the afterlife, after they pass on. The turtle tattoo is made when the artist places together two enatas. Samoan Turtle and Shells TattooĪnother common motif found in Polynesian tattoos is the turtle. In Hawaii, the most popular types of tattoo designs include flowers, abstract patterns, and turtles. Some Hawaiians get tattoos to honor a departed family member or friend. Aside from that, they were also used for decorative purposes. One more reason why tattoos are so popular in Hawaii is because people believed that tattoos have the ability to protect their owners from imminent danger.

polynesian 4 elements tattoo designs

Tattoos take on a more personal note in Hawaiian culture, because of the fact that they carry a meaning that’s highly important to its owner. At least fifty percent of tattoos in Polynesia have images of shark teeth in them. The niho mano, also known as shark teeth, is another popular traditional Polynesian tattoo design. Its design involves plenty of lines winding around the person’s body. The pe’a is placed on a person’s midriff, from their waist down to their knees. The pe’a is frequently spotted on Samoan natives, since a lot of people obtain them during an initiation rite. A lot of people like this type of tattoo, since it belongs to Polynesian culture. Traditional Samoan TattooĪ common Polynesian Tattoo Design is the pe’a. Depictions of Tiki have him covered in tribal tattoos and geometric pattern tattoos. According to Polynesian folklore, Tiki was the very first human – So a lot of people in the islands carved statues and built temples for him, in his honor. The Tiki tattoo art is one of the more famous types of Polynesian tattoos. 5 Maintenance Tips After Getting Polynesian Tattoos.4.1 Average Service Cost & Standard Price for Getting Polynesian Tattoos.3 Ideal Placement of Polynesian Tattoos.When he returned to Polynesia, Cook brought with him a native called Ma’i, who introduced the concept of tattooing to English, and eventually, Europe. When Captain Cook came back to Europe from his travel to Polynesia, he told the story about tattoos to his fellow countrymen – The designs, the process, as well as its original term, “tattaw”. Meanwhile, Joseph Banks, Cook’s companion and a naturalist, was the one who confirmed the existence of tattoos, writing them on his journal.

polynesian 4 elements tattoo designs

He was also the reason why tattoos gained popularity in Europe later on. In Tongan culture, these tattoos often held plenty of meanings regarding their own culture.Ĭaptain James Cook was an Englishman responsible for discovering the Polynesian Triangle. Priests who have been trained for years and obeyed rituals were the ones responsible for the tattooing process.

polynesian 4 elements tattoo designs

These tattoos either came in tribal patterns, or geometrical ones – In particular, bands, triangular shapes, and spaces filled with black ink. In the latter country, warriors decorated themselves with tattoos beginning from the knees, right up to their waists. Polynesian tattoo has transformed itself into a popular type of art, ever since it was developed in countries like Samoa and Tonga.

Polynesian 4 elements tattoo designs