Like I said, there's no original bone in this film's body, but I still felt that it made for an entertaining horror movie. I mean, really, it doesn't always have to be unfavorable. And, sadly, as great as Alien is, comparing this to that high standard is always gonna end up going badly for this film. The comparison to Alien is, quite frankly, almost way too obvious.

#Life movie movie
It's every trapped in space movie you've ever seen. Of course, I suppose that I should also mention that there is literally no original bone in this film's body. Having said that, I suppose I should mention that I definitely enjoyed my time with this movie. Not to mention that he gets bigger, seemingly, every time the crew sees him, it's also that the fucking thing seems to be unkillable and adapts itself to whatever situation he is put on. Regardless, every time he consumes a living being, starting with a lab rat, he gets bigger and bigger. Essentially things started to go wrong once they start to notice that Calvin quickly grows into a multi-cell organism, is uncommonly smart and is able to survive in temperatures similar to ours, though with obvious.differences, in that he can survive outside in space, where there is no oxygen, longer than he probably should. Of course, there's a lot of science talk that I'm not even gonna bother going into, because I would just fry everyone's brain. The movie sees the crew discovering a life-form from this Mars capsule. Anyway, we're getting ahead of ourselves here. The crew is hunted down, and some are killed, by an alien named Calvin. And, yes, the life-form in question really is named Calvin (some kids at this elementary school got to pick it).

Though, let's be fair, the moment Calvin latches on to my arm like he did to Hugh (and proceeded to break it), my survival instincts would kick in. If I was one of the international space crew, I suppose I would have been one of the first to die, given, again, my predilection for assessing the situation before making a decision. I suppose that's relevant to the film that we're talking about here. I don't want to make an impulsive decision based on what my instincts tell me because, it could very well turn out that those instincts are wrong. Though, of course, I've always been an ask questions first kind of guy. But it is still something to think about. This is just me speculating based on films I've seen, which is obviously not real life. I mean, if you really think about it, if we discover life on other planets, especially if it's as complex as human beings are and not, necessarily, a single-celled organism, who knows whether they'd be hostile to us or not. And, I suppose, there's a kernel of truth to that. But, in these cases, it's always framed as a 'be careful what you wish for' type of scenario. Of course, this is a theme that has been explored in numerous other films. That's neither here nor there, the point is that, again, discovering life on other planets would be a monumental accomplishment. It's not that I would want to be immortal, it's just that I wish humanity could extend their lifespan exponentially than it currently sits at. When I think of all the advancements in technology, science, society, etc, etc, that I'm gonna miss due to the fact that this stupid body is only good for, at the most (in my case at least), 80 years is one of the greatest disappointments of my life. I've always been of the belief that I would love to be able to live to be, even, 10,000 years old.

Even discovering that, as minor as it might seem to some of the more uneducated sectors of the world, would be the greatest accomplishment of humanity's short, in the grand scheme of things of how long the universe has been around, existence. I've often wondered how humanity would react to the knowledge of there being life on other planets, even if that life-form is a single-cell organism.